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Spacewatch.Global - About us

SpaceWatch.Global is a digital magazine with exclusive space news and business intelligence for emerging space markets 

The space sector builds cool, cutting-edge technologies, and is busy pushing the boundaries of human knowledge here on earth and in the universe.

Dreaming big and building stuff is your job.

SpaceWatch.Global's job is to take your dreams and the stuff you’re building to the market by telling your story to different audiences that gets your unique message across in a clear, concise, and inspiring way.
Independent, truthfully, and regularly.

Multichannel Media Publishing on Space Sector

Since 2016 SpaceWatch.Global provides business intelligence at the intersection of space technology and geopolitics from around the world with particular focus on emerging space markets in Africa, Asia-Paci?c, Europe, Middle East, and Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Offering everything from daily news through to exclusive content on the issues that matter in these markets, SpaceWatch.Global offers opportunities for companies and organisations to deliver their unique message to underserved markets, advertise to growing sectors, and a platform to shape the issues that matter to you.

Merchandising is just cool 

We want to give you the opportunity to express your love for space, its fascination and technology. Therefore we have founded this merchandising shop.

Our passion, our style, just for you.